Friday, June 5, 2009
Not A single Day Thats Perfect!!
Weeks have passed since I actually enjoyed anything. But yesterday everything felt real good. I usually go to sleep at 2 or 3 am & wake up at 5.30 because of the power cuts which results in the ac switching off & which in turn invites mosquitoes! But yesterday, no power cuts! A good night's sleep in weeks! I wake up to find that my PC didn't shut down after the cut(I leave it ON to let the downloading continue!) & I find that the downloading speed was double the usual speed! My mood started building up! Had the usual milk & bread for breakfast but they tasted real good! Then I almost solved 90% of the complex crossword puzzle in one go! Sexy Man! Now with so much of positive energy in me, I went for studies. Unit V of ATM completed in one go within 3 hours! Mom didn't scold me to go & take a bath but I was so full of positiveness that I decided to go & take it before I get scolded! Power Cut at 1pm which was bound to last till 3pm! But I had a very heavy lunch & that made me sleepy plus the temperature was lower than the previous day's temperature. Fell asleep without any trouble! I woke up at 5.45pm(Yeah! that long) to find Rishi bhai's sms that he is waiting at Roopesh bhai's place. Now I have been going out almost everyday wandering here & there but it just didn't feel great. But it was different right now. I was in a cheerful mood. A PANAUTII free day is splendid in its own way!
Had snacks & then went to Dam for a walk with my lot. It was soothing. I returned home to find my favorite cousin home. She bought the specially cooked meat balls! She is always good fun! Certain issues that were hammering me for days lifted off after a phone call! I was bound to get sweet dreams! But but but, there always the bloody but. I had meat balls which my cousin bought. See I love Non-Veg delicacies. But I have got allergy from red meat! But I ate the balls thinking that the anti-allergy pills are in my closet. I forgot that Dad took them along in his kit! Now here I am restless, with one eye swollen, considerably high amount of itching in my back & no sleep. I am literally dancing trying to shake off the itchy feeling! & certainly I have realized that it all comes down to one thing. No day is perfect. WHEN ALL IS WELL, SOMETHING IS BOUND TO GO HORRIBLY WRONG! Bloody Hell!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tears in rain
I Want To Cry,
I Don't Know Why, All I Know Is I Want To Cry!
My Eyes Get Wet When I Think About Her,
The Trauma Of Not Being Able To Let Go Off Her!
I Feel So Helpless When She Looks At Me,
For She Sees Me But Choose To Ignore Me!
All This Make Me Want To Shed Tears,
But How Can I Show My Weakness By Crying!
I wait for the rain to come,
Maybe I can deceive all by camouflaging my tears!
Or If Only My Eyes Were Made Of Stones,
Nobody Will Notice My Feebleness And The Pain Then!
But, If I Don't Cry, How Will I Forget Her?
For If I Let My Tears Fall, They Might Take With Them My Feelings For Her!
Not So MaDcAp!!
An incident. A bit feeble for others & so they might have not noticed. But It did have an impact on me & left me pondering over it. My good friend Murrari(Name changed to avoid issues of any sort!) arranged a B'day treat for all of his school pals. The main motive was to introduce his charming & lovely girlfriend Katrina(Name changed to avoid issues of any sort!) to all his school pals. We had snacks, ice-creams & shakes at TNT(We made sure Murrari's wallet was as light as a feather after we were done eating!). Now, we decided to go & brighten up at Shahpura Lake. It was all boring for me(Sorry Murrari! But that is the truth!). Two of my very good female pals were missing. I was only there for the sake of Murrari & Katrina and Shivam(Name not changed to avoid issues of any sort!). Now I have this uncanny habit of making of my pals in front of their beloved sweethearts. I used to push Ace(Again name changed to avoid issues of any sort!) to the verge of committing suicide by assaulting his character & past in front of his girlfriend. It was great fun actually! Now at Murrari's treat, I did the same thing!
Now a word or two about Murrari. He is a nice, sweet chap who wouldn't retaliate if you make fun of him or even punch him in the face. But but but! With his precious around, he turned into a fierce lion & that part I didn't see that coming. I passed a sarcastic comment(My sarcastic nature is a result of Ritu's company!). It was passed to degrade Murrari's honor in front of Katrina(Like I used to do with Ace!) but a very simple & highly effective reply from him made me feel like a last night's leftover supper. He simply said, "Buddy, you are saying this out of pure desperation & frustration of not succeeding in Love!" Everyone laughed. I felt a sudden rush of several emotions. I felt embarrassed, guilty, foolish etc, all at the same time! Fortunately I was able to focus all the attention to the gay activities of some chaps nearby! I minor incident, but it made me think! I hate myself when I think about stuff because it usually introduces me to me ROTLU side! Am I being the jealous kind who feels deprived of what others are happy with? As I mentioned before, I hate to think about such stuff. They make me jump to conclusions about myself & most of them state that I am hopeless! Worse, it makes me wake up at night to create blogs when I should be preparing for the next examination! Worse, you guys read this whole crap-o-nonsense & feel like murdering me! But what can I do. These things pushes me to a state of Full-On idiocy! I will now abruptly end this post. Please don't kill me after reading this utter nonsense!
{The incident was real & did make me think & all, but I didn't jot down that part because this time I reached a subtle conclusion that the more I think about it, the more are the chances of my getting farther from insanity. So it was best if I forgot it!}
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Cruel Is The New Sweet, Isn't It?
"Friends forever", "Will stick around you always" etc. are some of the quotes you get to hear when your friendship grows stronger with some individual. But funny thing is that is all a pile of garbage. People tend to change. People text and scrap calling each other "Dear" merely for the sake of Fashion. Nobody actually mean that. Right now am completely going Madcap, so am firing my thoughts in form of sentences as soon as they flash in my mind. I am hurt. I can feel the rumbling in my head's interiors as I think about the cold looks of the people I claimed to be my sweetest buds. Today I realize what friendship in its truest sense stands for most of the general population. For most of the people out there, its all about having someone to hang out with & have fun. The moment any individual starts sulking or hit some low, he slides down the priority list of others! & yes that is true!
I am sad right now. Real sad. My college life will be over soon. I managed to keep track of most of my school friends. I thought that our friendship will last forever, but alas, most of them have the same aforementioned perspective about friendship. They never really tried understanding me! & those who did prefer calling my spending time for myself & for my future an unworthy act! Why? They wouldn't be paying me 75k per month to run my place. No Sir! I have dedicated my 3 & a half years of college life to my school friends. When I say "Dedicated", I mean it! Sem I-VII, I was always there when they needed me!
In the current sem, say January, 2009 onwards, when I first realized that all my college pals will be parting ways soon. & there were 4 Bastards who became more than friends. They were like the brothers I never had. We developed a strong bond & naturally I pushed them up in my priority list! For the last three years, I spent more time with these guys than my family or old chaps, this had to happen. I grew up with these guys. My thoughts, my nature and my character changed in par with them. They are the people who best understand me at this point & yes they are my best pals right now and forever. I mean it when I say it. But they are not the only ones to mention! Others. Sweet & cute folks. I am a sweet gentleman as per my female friends call me(and thats like the best compliment I ever got). My female pals are simply great! Hard working people with the extra Grey matter in their heads! But I started growing up on a select 2-3 of them. Probably because of common interests we had. relationship with girls always was complicated for me! You see I get easily influenced by stuff like Novels, TV serials etc. FRIENDS is a TV serial real close to my heart. A couple named Monica-Chandler were like ideal love story for me! I always wanted some good friend to be accounted for as my liebe! But its like her response for that action of mine is coming in installments. You see, IF A BUTCHER KILLS THE COCK IN ONE STROKE THEN IT FEELS LESS PAIN, BUT IF HE SLOWLY SLITS ITS NECK, IT TURNS INTO THE MOST GRUESOME DEATH EVER! I am stroked out in installments! Its like a punishment no man should ever endure. Funny thing is that MY EXECUTIONER KNOWS & TELL EVERYONE THAT I AM THE EMOTIONAL KIND & STILL INSISTS ON ACTING THIS WAY! It Hurts Seriously! She finds it difficult to stand me during the last hour when I actually avoided disclosing my feelings again! Look what it has done to me! MY MAIN SEMESTER EXAM WILL START IN 6 HOURS & I AM TYPING THIS BLOG TO LET OUT THE HEAT INSTEAD OF STUDYING! Was it that difficult? Is what I always thought about her, her sweetness, her cuteness all wrong? Maybe. Maybe Not. Or is it actually me?
Am lightened up enough right now to give up these thoughts & start studying. But yes, questions remain in my mind. Questions about true human nature & emotions. Question about myself. Questions about whats real & whats not there!
Above Blog Is A Work Of Fiction With Tit-Bits From My Life!! So Don't Be Blown Away.. Its Just A First Person Blog Pattern!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
"My Plastic Pals"
I didn't grow up playing cricket or other sports with boys of my age. I was a kidney patient. I was not allowed to go outside & have fun. I couldn't. The scene was like If I ran for 2 min, I might end up in bed for 2 days.
So instead, my childhood was spent in imaginary tales of courage & fantasy with my Toy friends. So many times Me & He-Man saved Castle Greyskull from the evil forces of Skeletor. So many times the Team G.I.Joe saved the world from Cobra gang under my command.
I promised them that I will take care of them forever, but Mom gave them away. Now, I was suppose to grow into a mature guy. Mom gave them to my Nephew. I visited him yesterday. I peeked in his room to have a look at them & there they were, twisted & deformed. The little boy inside me cried. I couldn't keep my promise. I was unable to save my very first friends from such ill fate.
I owed them so much. My building block game found the architect in me. The fake guns made me the soldier that I never can be.
When Dad scolded me, they gave me joy & comfort without uttering even a single word.
& yet, I let them be a child's play. & these friends were the ones made of plastic & I had to desert them. Makes me wonder if I could make my friend's with flesh stay around, with me, forever?